Posts tagged with "Christian Testimony"

2020 Christian Testimony Video | "I Have Learned to Coordinate With Others"
Church Life Movies · 03. May 2021
Through the judgment and revelations of God's words, she comes to some understanding of her corrupt disposition. What transformation does she undergo in her ability to work alongside others?

Stories of Faith | Saved Me From Death —Getting Colorectal Cancer in My 70s (Part 1)
Testimonies · 20. December 2020
Stories of Faith | Saved Me From Death —Getting Colorectal Cancer in My 70s (Part 1) By Liu Wen My name is Liu Wen, and I’m 80 years old this year; I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days in 2006. Because of my age, I couldn’t go out and perform my duty like the other brothers and sisters, so the church leaders arranged for me to host gatherings. I was very happy to have a duty I could perform, and from then on I warmly welcomed brothers and sisters into my home; no matter when...

When Will the Rapture Happen? What Does It Say in God’s Words?
Testimonies · 19. December 2020
When Will the Rapture Happen? What Does It Say in God’s Words? Today, catastrophes around the world are becoming ever-more severe. The news is filled with stories of plagues, earthquakes, floods, and droughts. Have you ever thought to yourself: The prophecies of the Lord’s return have been fulfilled, so why have we still not welcomed the Lord? If this carries on, when the great tribulation arrives, will we, too, not be plunged into disaster? Just when will the Lord take us up into the...

What Does “No One Knows the Day or Hour” Mean?
Testimonies · 18. December 2020
By Xinjie The four blood moons have appeared, and disasters such as earthquakes, famine, and epidemics are increasingly common. The prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and some have openly testified online that He has already come. Some brothers and sisters are puzzled, as it is clearly written in the Bible: “But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). How can they know that the Lord has...

Testimonies · 17. December 2020
Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province I am Liang Yanli, living in Zhaodong City. I was formerly a leading preaching co-worker in the Pentecostal Church and was also one of the sons of disobedience who desperately resisted Almighty God’s work of the last days. In July 1990, because my heart was deeply hurt by my husband’s having an affair, I began to believe in the Lord. Half a year later, I began to preach. Especially after I was baptized on August 9, 1991, my faith and love became greater...