Posts tagged with "God's Voice"

The Outcome of Believing Satan’s Rumors and Lies While Investigating the True Way
More Gospel Truths · 08. May 2021
The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation.

The Easiest Mistake to Make While Investigating the True Way
More Gospel Truths · 07. May 2021
Do you know why Satan was able to deceive Eve and cause her to lose God’s blessing? Do you know why the ordinary Jewish folk went along with the Pharisees in resisting the Lord, thus losing the Lord’s salvation?

God's sheep, the voice of God

Faith and Life · 24. November 2020
Peace to you in the Lord! I’m so happy you’ve written. You’ve mentioned in your letter that the day of the Lord’s coming is near, and that you are intentionally reading Scripture and praying more, and doing more work for the Lord so that you can be one of the wise virgins who is vigilantly awaiting the Lord’s coming.
Hymn Videos · 28. October 2020
The days will come to an end; the world will come to nothing, all things will be born anew. Remember this! There can be no ambiguity!

Judgment Work of the Last Days · 02. August 2020
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of Jehovah’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.
The work in the last days lays bare the work of Jehovah and Jesus and all mysteries not understood by man, so as to reveal the destination and the end of mankind and end all the work of salvation among mankind.

From the highest point in the universe, God watches over humanity’s every move and over all that people say and do.

Testimonies · 13. July 2020
I became more anxious after that, constantly looking around online. Every chance I got I’d search for terms like “God’s voice” and “God’s footsteps” that refer to God’s appearance.

Gospel Movies · 25. June 2020
It is clear that whether or not someone can be raptured is determined by whether they hear the voice of the Lord. Those who first hear His voice and accept His appearance and work are the wise virgins, and they will be the first to be raptured.

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