Posts tagged with "Relationship With God"

Differentiation Between the Work of the Holy Spirit and That of Evil Spirits
More Gospel Truths · 25. April 2021
God does not repeat His work, He does not do work that is not realistic, He does not make excessive requirements of man, and He does not do work that is beyond the sense of man.

Christian Devtional Song | "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected"
Music Videos · 29. December 2020
Christian Devtional Song | "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected" Only when your relationship with God is normal can you be made perfect by Him; only then can God’s dealing, pruning, discipline, and refinement achieve their intended effect in you. That is to say, if human beings are able to keep God in their hearts and do not pursue personal gain or give thought to their own prospects or their flesh, but instead bear the burden of entering life, do their best to pursue the...

Daily Words of God · 12. December 2020
In believing in God, you must at least resolve the issue of having a normal relationship with God. If you do not have a normal relationship with God, then the meaning of your belief in God is lost.

Music Videos · 08. December 2020
Take the chance when you have time, sit in silence before God. Read His word, know His truths, right the transgressions in you.

Hymn Videos · 04. December 2020
A human heart turned to God is one that can always look to God, a heart that can forsake the flesh, a heart that thinks on God.
Music Videos · 29. November 2020
If people do not pursue any goal when they believe in God, then their lives are for nothing, and when the time comes for them to die, they will see only the blue sky and dusty earth.
Hymn Videos · 26. November 2020
God’s use of you is more than refining or having you suffer. It lets you know life’s meaning and God’s deeds, that serving God is not easy.

Hymn Videos · 23. November 2020
O God, may You do Your work in me, may You make me perfect and change me, so I may obey and know Your wishes in all things.
Faith and Life · 12. November 2020
How have you been? My heart is in a great deal of pain, and I’d like to talk to you about it. I’ve always been eager for success, and when I was little I made the resolution that, when I grew up, I would stand out from the crowd and live life at the top.

Hymn Videos · 08. November 2020
I quiet myself before God, pray and bare my heart to Him. I simply and honestly open up, speak from the heart.

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