Posts tagged with "Saved Vs Salvation"

Gospel Q&A · 15. January 2021
The Lord Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant stays not in the house for ever: but the son stays ever” (John 8: 34–35). The Lord’s words tell us that if people cannot rid themselves of the bondage and shackles of sin, and they continue to commit sins, then they are the servants of sin and shall never enter the kingdom of God. Reading this passage of Scripture, many faithful brothers and sisters will think of how they sin in...

Gospel Movie Clips · 14. January 2021
Free Gospel Movie Extract 2 From "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit": Can the Saved Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Faith and Life · 05. December 2020
After the meeting today, a brother came seeking me, his face filled with worry. He said that God requires people to be sanctified, but that he often involuntarily commits sin

Faith and Life · 20. November 2020
Many brothers and sisters believe that what Jesus meant by saying “It is finished” when He was on the cross was that God’s work to save mankind was completed.

Testimonies · 06. October 2020
I felt like I had something to rely on, and I firmly believed that one day the Lord Jesus would return to bring us into the kingdom of heaven. I looked forward to and dreamed of the arrival of this day.

Faith and Life · 11. September 2020
Today I saw that the pastor’s actions simply do not conform to the Lord’s will. I can no longer just blindly listen to what they say, but must seek out and investigate the way of Almighty God.
The work of the last days is to speak words. Great changes can be effected in man by means of words. The changes now effected in these people upon their accepting these words are much greater than those effected in people upon their accepting the signs and wonders of the Age of Grace.

Gospel Movie Clips · 10. August 2020
Why does the Lord say that not all believers will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven? What exactly is the relationship between being saved and full salvation?

Gospel Movie Clips · 03. August 2020
God says: "You have missed a step in your belief in God: You have merely been redeemed, but have not been changed. For you to be after God’s heart, God must personally do the work of changing and cleansing you; if you are only redeemed, you will be incapable of attaining sanctity. In this way you will be unqualified to share in the good blessings of God"

Gospel Movie Clips · 26. June 2020
Why would God want to express truth during the last days, doing the work of judging and purifying people? Exactly what kind of people can enter the kingdom of heaven?

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