Posts tagged with "Welcome the Lord"

Videos · 29. January 2021
Chen Muyi, a co-worker in a Chinese church abroad, sees that portents of the Lord's coming have all been fulfilled—there's a pandemic, most of China is inundated with floods, and disasters are growing in scale. He believes that the Lord must have returned already, but he can't understand why he hasn't been able to welcome the Lord yet. Could it be that the Lord has appeared somewhere without him knowing about it? This makes him think of something the Lord Jesus said: "Seek, and you shall...
God's sheep, the voice of God

2020 Christian Testimony Video | "How the Wise Virgins Welcomed the Lord"
Gospel Movies · 02. January 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "How the Wise Virgins Welcomed the Lord" Anick and Mireille are good friends. One day, a chance opportunity comes along when they watch the movie Where Is My Home, made by The Church of Almighty God. They find it very moving, and the book which changes the main character's destiny in the movie particularly arouses their curiosity. They sense the warmth and authority in the words in that book, and they feel that no ordinary human being could have spoken those...

2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Regarding the Lord's Return, to Whom Should One Listen?"
Videos · 23. December 2020
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Regarding the Lord's Return, to Whom Should One Listen?" The main character gets to know a brother and sister from The Church of Almighty God on Facebook, and finds their fellowship new and enlightening. She gains spiritual sustenance, but when she hears them bear witness that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, she thinks of her pastor's judgment against The Church of Almighty God. She gets her guard up right away and doesn't dare to look into it. But...

Gospel Movies · 10. December 2020
As a child, Yangwang followed her parents in their faith in the Lord, and as an adult she served the Lord in the church.

Church Life Testimonies · 28. November 2020
The main character is born into a Christian family and later becomes a preacher in a house church. He believes that justification by faith can allow people entry into the kingdom of heaven.
Church Life Testimonies · 04. November 2020
As a Christian, he often heard his pastor speak of how when the Lord returns He will rapture believers into the clouds and meet with them in the air.

Faith and Life · 31. October 2020
When the Lord knocks, what should we do to welcome Him? This is something everyone who believes in the Lord should ponder deeply.

Faith and Life · 30. October 2020
In chapter 22 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesies a few times, “I come quickly.” It’s certain that every brother and sister who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be able to receive the returned Lord Jesus and dine with Him at the wedding banquet.

Faith and Life · 14. October 2020
And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

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