
Based on true story Christian Movie | "A Mother's Love" | A Heart-touching Christian Story

Can Knowledge Really Change Man’s Destiny?


I received a call from my cousin this afternoon. She said that she asked her daughter to sign up for a vocal and piano tutoring class, but her daughter disagreed, and had a quarrel with her, and even ran out and had not returned yet. My cousin was very painful, and said, "All I did was for her, how couldn’t she understand my good intention? I simply eat and dress to support her to study and make her attend various extra classes, what is my purpose? Wasn't I to help her establish herself in society in the future? Now the social is so competitive, we have no status, if she doesn’t learn more knowledge she won’t have a good future...” After hanging up, I thoughts a lot: my cousin, like many parents, hopes that her daughter will have a brilliant future through studying hard. However, she didn’t understand why she had paid so much while her daughter doesn't understand her at all? At that time, I remembered a movie I watched on the Internet two days ago, "A Mother's Love."The heroine had a similar experience as my cousin, but she finally found a way to get along with her daughter and knew how to treat the child's future correctly. Thinking of this, I quickly shared the movie with my cousin, hoping she would benefit from it.

Based on true story Christian Movie | "A Mother's Love" | A Heart-touching Christian Story


A Mother's Love is a Christian family movie that examines the subject of how to raise children.

"Knowledge can change your fate" and "The son becomes a dragon, the daughter becomes a phoenix" are the hopes that nearly all parents have for their children. To ensure that her daughter Jiarui is able to pass her university entrance exams and test into a good university, Xu Wenhui decides to retire from her job as a sales director to accompany Jiarui as she studies to retake her tests. Xu Wenhui's high-pressure teaching methods and the competitive stress of the college entrance examinations drive her daughter to collapse, and nearly to desperation. Xu Wenhui feels deep remorse over this: She thought that everything she did was for her daughter's benefit, but instead, she only caused her daughter pain and hurt…. This is when her old classmate Fang Xinping preaches God's gospel to her. Through reading God's word, Xu Wenhui finally understands why pursuing ideals like "Knowledge can change your fate" will only hurt herself and her child, and comes to understand how to educate her daughter in a way that expresses real love …

Powerful Testimonies of Faith. Changing Your Life. Trust God in Your Trials

Here are many true stories on topics such as faith, healing, work and marriage. 

They can help you get rid of worries and live a true life. 

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