
True Christian Movie | "How I Changed My Arrogant Self"

True Christian Movie | "How I Changed My Arrogant Self"


The main character has over four years of professional interior design experience. When she takes on responsibility for props and sets for the church's movies, she tries to capitalize on this experience in her duty. She always clings to her own views, she's arrogant, self-righteous, and rarely accepts other people's ideas. This is stifling for her brothers and sisters and leads to many mistakes, requiring things to be redone and delaying the progress of filming. After being exposed and judged by God's words, she gains some understanding of her arrogant nature and comes to hate it. She also realizes that she can't do her duty well when she only relies on her own experience and strengths. She starts consciously forsaking her arrogant disposition and focuses on seeking the truth. When she puts herself aside and accepts others' opinions, she begins to live out some human likeness.

Revelation in the Bible prophesies that the 144,000 overcomers will arise. Who are the 144,000 overcomers prophesied in the Bible? Do you want to become one of them? Please read on to learn more: who are the 144 000 in revelation


How can Christians be free from sin? This text tells you how to be free from sin. Read now: How to Be Free From Sin

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