
The Church of Almighty God hymns | "A Faith God Does Not Praise"

The Church of Almighty God hymns | "A Faith God Does Not Praise"


Verse 1

That man cannot obey God is because

he is possessed by what came before.

The things that came before have given man

all kinds of notions and thoughts about God.

These have become the image of God,

the image of God in their minds.

What they believe in are their own notions

and standards of their imagination.



If you measure the God who does the actual work today

against the God in your own mind,

then all your faith comes from Satan,

tainted by your own preferences.

God does not want this kind of faith.



Whatever their credentials, dedication,

with a lifetime of efforts to His work,

even if they have martyred themselves for Him,

God won’t approve those with this kind of faith.

He just bestows upon them some small grace

and lets them enjoy it for a short time.



If you measure the God who does the actual work today

against the God in your own mind,

then all your faith comes from Satan,

tainted by your own preferences.

God does not want this kind of faith.


Verse 2

People such as this are incapable

of putting the truth into practice.

The Holy Spirit does not work in them,

and God will weed out each of them in turn.

Young and old alike, those who don’t obey God,

with wrong motives, they oppose and interrupt.

And such people will unquestionably

be fully eliminated by God.



If you measure the God who does the actual work today

against the God in your own mind,

then all your faith comes from Satan,

tainted by your own preferences.

God does not want this kind of faith.


"Adapted from “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God”

in The Word Appears in the Flesh"

Adapted from The Word Appears in the Flesh

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

How to have true faith in God? What kind of faith can gain God's approval?

Read this article now to get the correct answers: What is the true meaning of faith

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