Church Life Testimonies

Church Life Testimonies · 07. April 2021
The main character studied the guzheng since childhood and graduated from a music academy. After experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God's words, what understanding does she gain of her own arrogant disposition……
Repent, the End Is Near: How to Truly Repent?
Church Life Testimonies · 31. March 2021
In 2020, the COVID-19 virus swept the globe, plunging the world into panic. Also shocking were the vast numbers of locusts that swarmed over Africa.

The True Meaning of "I and My Father Are One" in John 10:30
Church Life Testimonies · 30. March 2021
The Lord Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30). “Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known Me, Philip? ……” (John 14:9–10).

Church Life Testimonies · 14. December 2020
Yang Li, a Christian in The Church of Almighty God, is unlawfully arrested by the CCP police while attending a gathering.

Church Life Testimonies · 30. November 2020
Many believers in the Lord are waiting for the Lord Jesus to return on a cloud so they can be taken up into the kingdom of heaven before the disasters.
Church Life Testimonies · 28. November 2020
The main character is born into a Christian family and later becomes a preacher in a house church. He believes that justification by faith can allow people entry into the kingdom of heaven.
Church Life Testimonies · 16. November 2020
The main character, a Christian in The Church of Almighty God, is arrested by the CCP police for believing in God and spreading the gospel.
Church Life Testimonies · 10. November 2020
Allie used to be a church preacher with over 20 years of faith in the Lord who traveled far and wide delivering sermons. But over time, she lost her sense of the Lord's guidance and her sermons were lacking new light.
Church Life Testimonies · 04. November 2020
As a Christian, he often heard his pastor speak of how when the Lord returns He will rapture believers into the clouds and meet with them in the air.

Church Life Testimonies · 04. November 2020
Li Zhong, his wife, and their two children are Christians. When he finds out that his wife has accepted Almighty God's work of the last days, he does all he can to oppose her faith in Almighty God.

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