
The Church of Almighty God hymns | "Only Those Who Are Quiet Before God Focus on Life"

The Church of Almighty God hymns | "Only Those Who Are Quiet Before God Focus on Life"



Those who can be truly quiet before God

are those who’re able to be free from worldly ties,

and they can let God occupy them.

Anyone who can’t be quiet before God

is a person who is dissolute, unrestrained.

Oh, and they’re completely self-indulgent.

All who can be quiet before God

are the devout ones who yearn for God.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones who care about the life

and fellowship in the spirit.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones thirsting for God’s words.

They’re the ones pursuing the truth.



Those who ignore being quiet before God,

who don’t practice this, they are vain people who

are completely attached to the world.

They’re without life, they have no life.

Even if they claim to believe in God, it’s not true,

just some empty words so easily spoken.

Those who can be quiet, God perfects, completes.

They are graced with amazing blessings.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones who care about the life

and fellowship in the spirit.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones thirsting for God’s words.

They’re the ones pursuing the truth.



Those who seldom eat and drink God’s words,

who care not for life entry but focus on affairs,

they are hypocrites without a future.

God’s people are those who can truly commune

with Him and be quiet before Him.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones who care about the life

and fellowship in the spirit.

Those who can be quiet, quiet before God

are the ones thirsting for God’s words.

They’re the ones pursuing the truth.


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