
2020 Christian Testimonies of Faith Video | "Rising Up From Dark Oppression" (English dubbed)

2020 Christian Testimonies of Faith Video | "Rising Up From Dark Oppression" (English dubbed)


The main character, a Christian in The Church of Almighty God, is arrested by the CCP police for believing in God and spreading the gospel. In an attempt to force him to betray God and sell out his brothers and sisters, the police subject him to all manner of cruel tortures: They withhold food and water; they take it in turns to viciously beat him; they make him strip naked in front of a crowd of onlookers to humiliate him; they stomp on his toe until the toenail comes off; they hang him from a tree for three days and three nights, during which they release ants to bite him. In his agony, he continually prays to and relies on God. At one point his spirit suddenly leaves his body, and he cannot hold back his loud praises for God. After witnessing God's deeds, his faith grows, and ultimately he bears resounding testimony for God before Satan.

Revelation in the Bible prophesies that the 144,000 overcomers will arise. Who are the 144,000 overcomers prophesied in the Bible? Do you want to become one of them? 

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