
The Church of Almighty God App

As the lifestyle becomes fast-paced, unwittingly, our hearts are occupied by some trifling matters, for this reason, the chances that I become close to God decrease and as a result, my spirit feels down increasingly. Just when I’ve still been vexed about this, a sister in the Lord recommended an app to me. I then installed it and found its rich resources, God’s words, hymns, various videos & movies, chorus performances, MV, the experiences & testimonies of life entry of brothers and sisters, etc. I seem to find the living water of life, and heartily enjoy the provision of the truth. Gradually, my relationship with God recovered. I’m very grateful for God’s grace and blessing for me. On this occasion, I also recommend the app to you, hoping that we all can gain the provision of God’s life and obtain the way of eternal life through this platform.


The Church of Almighty God App-Download Now

The Church of Almighty God App—A good helper that helps us listen to hymns and become close to God


After our busy work, we are sometimes estranged from God and feel empty in our hearts. At this time, we need to calm down and become close to God, then which way would you choose to get close to God?

Many brothers and sisters realize that listening to hymns is a good way to become close to God. The Church of Almighty God App App collects various hymns, including praising God, knowing God, and life experience. It is rich in resources. Calm our hearts down, listen respectfully, and meditate on and contemplate God’s love, by doing so, our hearts become closer to God.

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