
The Church of Almighty God App

Follow the Lamb’s Footsteps and Enjoy the Rich Sustenance for Life

Reunite With the Lord Savor a Sumptuous Feast

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

Do you want to learn about God’s new work and follow the footsteps of the Lamb? Here you can find God’s utterances for the new age. Here, God unveils the mysteries of the truth …. Get to know God’s work in the last days and step onto the path to attain salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven.



Every Christian has a moving story about being selected by God.

Every true believer in God is experiencing His work.

Come to know God’s work and experience His love and salvation through all sorts of Christian experiences and testimonies.


Faith and Life

We are faced with all sorts of environments, people, events, and things in our lives.

In our faith, we encounter all kinds of confusion and difficulties.

Faith and Life is a carefully curated selection of Christians’ essays on their experiences and testimonies, helping you understand God’s will in a variety of environments, and find the correct path of practice.


Hear God’s Utterances in the Last Days, Drink in the Sustenance of the Living Waters

God’s words are the lantern before us, the light on the path illuminating our way forward. Keep up with God’s footsteps, listen to the utterances of Christ of the last days, understand all mysteries of the truth, savor the watering and sustenance of the living water of life!

Our Dedicated Online Representatives Are Here for You

Whenever you encounter any questions or difficulties in your life or in your faith, please feel free to reach out. We’re always here to listen to your innermost thoughts, to explore and communicate together.

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