
Not believing until you see the Lord descending upon a cloud is the reason why you haven’t welcome the Lord!


The Lord Jesus has long descended in secret. If you still wait for the Lord descending upon a cloud, this is the reason that you haven’t welcome the Lord, for the Lord prophesied, “I come as a thief.”(Revelation 16:15), “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”(Mark 13:32), “for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes.”(Matthew 24:44). Actually, “as a thief” refers to the Lord descending in secret. “the Son” and “the Son of man” all refer to God’s incarnation. So, in the last days, the Lord first becomes flesh in secret and does a stage of work of judging, cleansing, and saving man. After God has made a group of overcomers, God’s secret work will end up, what follows is great disasters. After the disasters, the Lord will publicly appear to all people upon a cloud, by then, God’s work of saving man ends, it will be a time when God rewards the good and punishes the evil, also the time when all kindreds of the earth shall wail. Then how can we welcome the Lord before the disasters?


The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”(John 10:27). The Lord’s word told us the path to welcoming Him, that is, focus on hearing God’s voice. Click on the image link and read God’s word that leads you to welcome the return of the Lord!

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