
"Those Who Love God Live in the Light" | English Christian Songs

Although we read the Bible and pray to the Lord every day, our spirit still weak. Listen to gospel songs to strengthen our faith in God and increase our knowledge of God.

"Those Who Love God Live in the Light" | English Christian Songs


Verse 1

God's judgment cleanses man,

saves us from corruption.

We live in the light, enjoy God's words,

happy as we praise Him.

So dance with your feet!

Sing out with your voice!

Follow God and walk on!

And don't look back!



We must be sincere, we must be dedicated,

we must care for His will to truly love God.

God's kingdom belongs to those who love God.

Yes, those who love God live in the light.

Yes, those who love God live in light.


Verse 2

Loving God, we're joyful.

Loving Him, we're happy.

Blessed when we care for God's heart

and satisfy His will.

Practicing the truth,

we are freed in our spirits.

Our hearts love God all the more.



We must be sincere, we must be dedicated,

we must care for His will to truly love God.

God's kingdom belongs to those who love God.

Yes, those who love God live in the light.

Yes, those who love God live in light.



Loving God, we're joyful.

Loving God, we're happy.

The way of life twists and turns,

but we will not retreat.

We walk a hard path,

work loyally to the end.

We love God and He blesses us.

We live in the light forever!



We must be sincere, we must be dedicated,

we must care for His will to truly love God.

God's kingdom belongs to those who love God.

Yes, those who love God live in the light.

Yes, those who love God live in the light.

Yes, those who love God live in light, live in light.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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