Christian Variety Show

Christian Variety Show · 03. February 2021
For two thousand years, Christians have always prayed in and called upon the Lord Jesus' name, believing that God's name will only ever be Jesus. However, it is prophesied in the Book of Revelation, chapter 3, verse 12, that the Lord shall have a new name upon His return. So now that the Lord has returned in the last days, can we still call Him Jesus? What mysteries are hidden within God's name? The crosstalk, The Mystery of God's Name, blends the performance styles of singing and recital to...
Christian Variety Show · 07. November 2020
Christ has appeared in the last days, His words judge us, chastise us, and cleanse us. God’s words have changed me, I enjoy a new life of loving God.
Christian Variety Show · 16. October 2020
Almighty God, the practical God, the most lovely One! You have come from heaven to earth, incarnated in flesh.

Christian Variety Show · 08. October 2020
You know Jesus shall descend during the last days, but how exactly will He do this? Can a sinner like you, who’s now redeemed but not perfected, be after God’s heart?

Christian Variety Show · 27. September 2020
Xiang Yang, a co-worker in a church, sees the pandemic spreading and other disasters increasing, and he eagerly awaits the Lord to come and take him into the kingdom of heaven.

Christian Variety Show · 13. September 2020
God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there, bringing the Israelites and bringing all men to the East.

Christian Variety Show · 12. June 2020
Could it be that because false Christs and false prophets deceive people, you will deny the Lord Jesus' return? Could it be that because false Christs and false prophets deceive people, you will refuse to receive the returned Lord Jesus' appearance and work? ...

Christian Variety Show · 02. June 2020
The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). It can be seen from the words of God that only true repentance is eligible to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then what is true repentance?

Christian Variety Show · 22. April 2020
The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb...