Church Life Movies

2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Knowing God's Authority and Sovereignty in Life"
Church Life Movies · 04. May 2021
The main character, a vegetable farmer, tries to deal with an infestation of his tomato plants by trying all sorts of different methods relying on his decades of experience, but to no avail.

2020 Christian Testimony Video | "I Have Learned to Coordinate With Others"
Church Life Movies · 03. May 2021
Through the judgment and revelations of God's words, she comes to some understanding of her corrupt disposition. What transformation does she undergo in her ability to work alongside others?

Church Life Movies · 05. March 2021
God incarnate comes to do His work. He humbly hides Himself among man, expressing the truth and judging them, bringing the way to eternal life. His words are truth, conquer the hearts of millions of people!
The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning | image
Church Life Movies · 04. March 2021
What should I seek in my faith? Now I have had an awakening. Before, I believed in the Lord just for blessings. I enjoyed God's grace quite greedily. But judgment awakened my heart.

Church Life Movies · 19. November 2020
In today's world, phrases like "Money is first," and "Money makes the world go round," are held as universal truths and rules to live by.

Church Life Movies · 26. October 2020
She learns that God will ultimately separate each according to his kind, and that the judgment of the great white throne has already begun. After looking into it further, Mengxi accepts God's work of the last days and welcomes the return of the Lord.

Church Life Movies · 19. September 2020
Through reading God's word, Xu Wenhui finally understands why pursuing ideals like "Knowledge can change your fate" will only hurt herself and her child, and comes to understand how to educate her daughter in a way that expresses real love …

Church Life Movies · 30. July 2020
The main character has over four years of professional interior design experience. When she takes on responsibility for props and sets for the church's movies, she tries to capitalize on this experience in her duty.

Church Life Movies · 14. July 2020
Through the judgment and revelation of God's words, he slowly comes to understand the essence and consequences of seeking status, and he begins to pursue the truth and walk the right path in life.

Church Life Movies · 10. July 2020
How does Zhou Qingyu finally escape from the constraints and bondage of pursuing name and status? And when the election comes, how will she cast her vote?

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