Readings of Almighty God’s Words

What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold
What is it that man has gained since he first began believing in God? What have you come to know about God? How much have you changed because of your belief in God?

Did You Know? God Has Done a Great Thing Among Men
The old age has passed, and the new age has come. Year after year and day after day, God has done much work. He came into the world and then departed.

How to Serve in Harmony With God’s Will
When one believes in God, how, exactly, should one serve Him? What conditions should be fulfilled and what truths should be understood by those who serve God? And where might you be deviating in your service? You should know the answers to all these things.

The Church of Almighty God | Concerning the Bible (2)
Most of those who explain the Bible employ logical inference, and have no actual background. They merely employ logic to infer many things.

The Church of Almighty God | Concerning the Bible (1)
Although you do not often read the Bible, you must understand the Bible, you must achieve the correct knowledge of the Bible, and only in this way will you be able to know what God’s six-thousand-year management plan is all about.

The Church of Almighty God | The Vision of God’s Work (3)
The first time God became flesh was through conception by the Holy Spirit, and this was relevant to the work He intended to do. The Age of Grace began with Jesus’ name.

You all wish to be rewarded before God and favored by God; everyone hopes for such things when they start believing in God, for everyone is preoccupied with the pursuit of higher things, and no one wants to fall behind others.
There are many things I hope for you to achieve, yet not all of your actions, not everything about your lives, are able to fulfill what I ask, so I have no choice but to come straight to the point and explain to you My will.
The Church of Almighty God | The Vision of God’s Work (2)
The gospel of repentance was preached in the Age of Grace, and provided that man believed, then he would be saved. Today, in place of salvation, there is only talk of conquest and perfection.

The Church of Almighty God | The Vision of God’s Work (1)
John worked seven years for Jesus, and had already paved the way when Jesus arrived. Before this, the gospel of the kingdom of heaven as preached by John was heard throughout the land, so that it spread across Judea, and everyone called him a prophet.

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