
English Christian Song Lyrics | "God’s Sheep Can Hear His Voice"

English Christian Song Lyrics | "God’s Sheep Can Hear His Voice"


The days will come to an end; the world will come to nothing,

all things will be born anew.

Remember this! There can be no ambiguity!

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s words shall ever remain!

So He exhorts you once again:

Don’t run in vain! Wake up and repent, salvation will be at hand!

God’s appeared among you already. And yes, God’s voice has arisen.

The Spirit speaks to the churches.

If you have ears, you should listen!

All those living should accept!

Simply eat and drink His words, and don’t harbor doubts about them.

Those who obey and heed His words will receive great blessings.


Yes, God’s voice has arisen; it’s both fresh and new each day.

You see God and God sees you; He speaks to you constantly.

Yet you reject Him, you don’t know Him.

God’s sheep can hear His voice, and yet you hesitate!

Satan blinds your eyes, and your heart, your heart is callous.

And you’re unable to see God’s glorious countenance.

How pitiful! Wait no longer, God’s sheep hear His voice.

The seven Spirits before God’s throne are sent to all corners of earth.

God will send His Messenger to speak to all the churches.

God is righteous and faithful;

He’s the God that examines the deepest parts of man’s heart.

The Spirit speaks to the churches.

If you have ears, you should listen!

All those living should accept!

Simply eat and drink His words, and don’t harbor doubts about them.

Those who obey and heed His words will receive great blessings.


Those who seek God’s face sincerely will have new light and insights.

His words will come to you, they’ll open your spiritual eyes.

You will see the spirit world’s mysteries and that the kingdom is among man.

Simply enter into the refuge, and all grace will be upon you.

Neither famine, plague nor beast will touch you or harm you.

You will go with God, walk with Him, and enter into glory together.

The Spirit speaks to the churches.

If you have ears, you should listen!

All those living should accept!

Simply eat and drink His words, and don’t harbor doubts about them.

Those who obey and heed His words will receive great blessings, great blessings.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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