
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Interpersonal Relationships Should Be Established According to God’s Words"

If a proper relationship with God is what you want,

your heart must turn to God,

and then your relationships with others will be just as it ought.

Without a proper relationship with God,

no matter what you do to keep your relationships with others,

it’s man’s philosophy for living.

You are maintaining your status, 

using solely a human lens and a human philosophy, 

so that from others you’ll earn praise.

You are not forming relationships according to the word of God.

If you don’t focus on the ties with people,

but on your proper connection with God,

if you’re willing to obey Him, if you can give your heart to God,

your relationships will be proper with people in your life.


These relationships don’t form on the basis of the flesh,

but on the foundation of God’s love is where they truly rest.

In the spirit there’s fellowship, love, comfort and provision.

All is done upon the basis of achieving God’s heart’s fulfillment.

These relationships aren’t maintained by philosophy for living,

but through the burden for God, they are formed naturally.

This requires no human effort,

just practice through the word of God.

If you don’t focus on the ties with people,

but on your proper connection with God,

if you’re willing to obey Him, if you can give your heart to God,

your relationships will be proper

with people in your life, with people in your life.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


Praying with the elements–A Sincere Heart Is Crucial–Learn to Make Prayer Effective

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