
The Easiest Mistake to Make While Investigating the True Way

The Lord Jesus said, "My sheep listen to my voice." The most important thing for us to investigate the true way to welcome the Lord is to listen to the voice of God. Will you listen to the voice of God?

The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning | spiritual devotion

Do you know why Satan was able to deceive Eve and cause her to lose God’s blessing? Do you know why the ordinary Jewish folk went along with the Pharisees in resisting the Lord, thus losing the Lord’s salvation? It was mainly because they did not listen to God’s words, but instead listened only to Satan’s rumors and lies. The Lord has long since returned: He expresses the truth and performs the work of judgment beginning with the house of God, and many people are making the same mistake as did Eve and the ordinary Jewish folk. They blindly believe the fallacies and lies of the pastors and elders in the religious world which go against the words of the Lord, such as “Any preaching that says the Lord has come in the flesh is false.” They do not seek to hear what the Spirit says to the churches, as expressed by Almighty God, Christ of the last days. Can such muddleheaded, undiscerning people greet the Lord upon His return?


Bible Verses for Reference

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which Jehovah God had made. And he said to the woman, Yes, has God said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:1–5).


“You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44).


“He that is of God hears God’s words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God” (John 8:47).


Relevant Words of God

Those who do not understand the truth always follow others: If people say that this is the work of the Holy Spirit, then you, too, say it is the work of the Holy Spirit; if people say it is the work of an evil spirit, then you, too, become doubtful, or also say it is the work of an evil spirit. You always parrot the words of others, and are incapable of distinguishing anything by yourself, nor are you able to think for yourself. This is someone without a position, who is unable to differentiate—such a person is a worthless wretch! You always repeat the words of others: Today it is said that this is the work of the Holy Spirit, but there is a probability that one day someone will say it is not the work of the Holy Spirit, and that it is in fact nothing but the deeds of man—yet you cannot discern this, and when you witness it being said by others, you say the same thing. It is actually the work of the Holy Spirit, but you say it is the work of man; have you not become one of those who blaspheme against the work of the Holy Spirit? In this, have you not opposed God because you cannot differentiate? Perhaps one day some fool will appear who says that “this is the work of an evil spirit,” and when you hear these words you will be at a loss, and once again you will be bound up by the words of others. Every time someone stirs up disturbance, you are incapable of standing by your position, and this is all because you do not possess the truth. Believing in God and seeking to know God is no simple matter. These things cannot be achieved simply by gathering together and listening to preaching, and you cannot be perfected by passion alone. You must experience, and know, and be principled in your actions, and gain the work of the Holy Spirit. When you have undergone experiences, you will be able to discern many things—you will be able to distinguish between good and evil, between righteousness and wickedness, between what is of flesh and blood and what is of the truth. You should be able to distinguish between all these things, and in so doing, no matter the circumstances, you will never be lost. Only this is your real stature.


Excerpted from “Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God”


It would be best for those people who claim to follow God to open their eyes and take a good look to see exactly who they believe in: Is it really God that you believe in, or Satan? If you know that what you believe in is not God, but your own idols, then it would be best if you did not claim to be a believer. If you really do not know who you believe in, then, again, it would be best if you did not claim to be a believer. To say so would be blasphemy! No one is forcing you to believe in God. Do not say you believe in Me; I have had enough of such talk, and do not wish to hear it again, because what you believe in are the idols in your hearts and the local bullies among you. Those who shake their heads when they hear the truth, who grin when they hear talk of death, are all the spawn of Satan, and they are the ones who will be eliminated. Many in the church have no discernment. When something deceptive occurs, they unexpectedly stand on the side of Satan; they even take offense at being called Satan’s lackeys. Though people might say they have no discernment, they always stand on the side without truth, they never stand on the side of the truth at the critical time, they never stand up and argue for the truth. Do they truly lack discernment? Why do they unexpectedly take the side of Satan? Why do they never say one word that is fair and reasonable in support of the truth? Has this situation genuinely arisen as a result of their momentary confusion? The less discernment people have, the less able they are to stand on the side of truth. What does this show? Does it not show that people without discernment love evil? Does it not show that they are the loyal spawn of Satan? Why is it that they are always able to stand on the side of Satan and speak its language? Their every word and deed, the expressions on their faces, are all sufficient to prove that they are not any kind of lovers of the truth; rather, they are people who detest the truth. That they can stand on the side of Satan is enough to prove that Satan really loves these petty devils who spend their lives fighting for Satan’s sake. Are all these facts not abundantly clear?


Excerpted from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth”

Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference

In examining the true way, examining God’s appearance and work, why do you believe the words of Satan the devil? This is a problem. When you examine the work of God, you need to examine His utterances and see if these words of Almighty God are the voice of God, if they are the truth and the work of God. Then look at whether the Holy Spirit’s work is in The Church of Almighty God. What have these people achieved after many years of faith? Do they have any knowledge of God? Have there been any changes in their life disposition? Have the toxins of Satan been cleansed? You need to examine these things. You don’t examine the words of Almighty God, don’t examine whose words God’s chosen people of The Church of Almighty God eat and drink or whose work they are experiencing—why do you go to the great red dragon and believe Satan the devil’s words? Why do you believe the words of the religious pastors and elders? What kinds of creatures are they? They are wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing; they are hypocritical antichrists; they are wicked servants; they are demons that devour human souls. Why can’t you see through into their essence? This is the greatest ignorance and foolishness of human beings.


To examine the true way, one must read the words of Almighty God. Only after that will you know whether what Almighty God expresses is the truth, and whether it is the voice of God. If you confirm that it is the truth and the voice of God, then you can be certain it is God’s appearance and work. If you are certain about that, when Satan once again says negative, contrary things, will you still believe them? Who is it that you really believe in? Do you believe that the word of God is the truth, or that the word of Satan is the truth? This is the choice that man faces. What would be the choice of a person who truly possesses reason? The word of God is the truth. Can the great red dragon express the truth? It can’t express the truth—it can only talk nonsense, create rumors, and tell lies. It can only deceive you and keep you away from the true way. Why do you believe it? When people make a choice, they should first and foremost choose the truth. “I will accept whoever possesses the truth. I will accept whoever can express the truth to save me, cleanse me and perfect me. If you cannot express the truth to cleanse me, if you cannot save me, then everything you say is nonsense and I won’t listen to a word of it. Listening to you is of no use.” Isn’t that the case?


Excerpted from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life


When some people investigate the true way they base it on the rumors of the Chinese Communist Party. They say: “This cannot possibly be the true way. Look at the leader—he is hunted by the police and he took the church’s money and ran. Isn’t he just the same as a non-believer? How could this be the true way?” That kind of person doesn’t believe in God after hearing His voice. They want to look into what the church and the leader are like. “If this leader is approved of by the government and has international renown, if he makes a name for himself and is not condemned by the government or the religious community, then we can accept this. If he is condemned by the government and the religious community, then he must be a villain. So, no matter how wonderful God’s word is, we will not accept it.” Is this looking into the true way? This is the logic of a fool. It is Satan’s logic. If you research the true way, then you must seek out whether the words spoken by God incarnate really are the voice of God, whether they are the truth and whether or not they are the work of God. This is what you should be investigating. If these words are the truth, if they are the voice of God, and they are God’s work of the last days, then despite what Satan may tell us, we must believe in it because God is the truth, and Satan’s mouth is filled with lies. God’s words are the truth, His words are His work, and God is righteous and holy. God’s work can never, ever be wrong. Any person can be wrong, but God can never be wrong. Any person can lie, they can cheat and trick others, but God does not lie; God is holy and righteous and He is the truth. Some people do not investigate God’s words but just look at the religious community’s critiques of The Church of Almighty God and the leader of the church. But do the words of those in the religious world represent God’s words? If you do not read God’s words but always take Satan at its word, then is it not Satan whom you trust? Do you really believe that Satan’s words are truth? If you do, there are problems with your faith; you actively believe Satan’s words. There are also some who, when looking into the true way, look specifically to statements on famous websites from the secular world. They say, “What they’re saying on those websites has to be right!” But, really, what are those websites? Aren’t they of this world, too? Aren’t those words written by corrupt human beings? Are they not part of Satan’s evil power? Do they contain truth? Why on earth would you believe them? They lie through their teeth and spread falsehoods. They disseminate whatever rumors or lies satanic governments may create. Doesn’t that make them organizations that spread lies? They pass on whatever rumors the Chinese Communist government creates, whatever attempts they make to discredit The Church of Almighty God. So, aren’t they tools for Satan to spread its lies? Aren’t they tools for Satan to deceive man? Why do people believe those things of Satan when researching the true way? Are they sick in the head? Do they believe that the world is righteous and fair? If the government or religious community makes comments and claims as to which is the true way and which is the true God, then they just believe in it. If the government or religious community says something isn’t the true way, or says that some God is not real, then they don’t believe in it. Who do these people believe in? They believe in the government, they believe in the words of the religious community, and the words of religious pastors and elders. Is someone like that a true believer? They do not believe in God, they do not trust in God, they do not believe that God is real, and they do not admit that God is the truth. They particularly do not know the truth. Therefore, when someone like that looks into the true way, they are paralyzed the moment they hear Satan’s lies and rumors. Is this an intelligent person? They are confused! There is just one principle for our belief in God: “If someone is God, if He can express the truth and save humanity, then I will believe in Him and my faith will be unwavering.” And don’t we believe in God in order to receive the truth? Only by gaining the truth can you gain God. If you do not obtain the truth then your faith is a failure, it is useless, and you cannot gain God.


Excerpted from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life

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