
2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord

The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.

 Pastor Chang Shoudao has alwaays awaited the Lord's return, but when Brother Zhen testifies to him that the Lord has already returned, he stubbornly sticks to his own notions and imaginings, believing that the Lord will return on a cloud, and keeping the door of his heart closed to the true way. This time, however, Brother Zhen discusses passages of the Scripture relating to the Lord's return with him, and he discovers that the Bible contains prophecies that in the last days the Lord will return in secret, in incarnate flesh, to speak new words and purify man, and only afterward will appear publicly to reward good and punish evil. At the same time, he comes to understand the true meaning of the Lord knocking at our doors, and that the key to welcoming the Lord's return is being able to hear God's voice. When he finally hears the voice of God in the word of Almighty God, he finally opens the door to his heart and welcomes the Lord's return.



Prepare for the Lord's Return | The Day of the Lord Is Coming | A Must-Read for Christians

Nowadays the disasters occur frequently, and the signs of the last days have appeared. How can we welcome the Lord? Read now to learn how to be a wise virgin and feast with God.

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