
Christian Video "The True Cannot Be False" | How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs (Skit)

Skit Lines

The Lord Jesus said, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders…" (Matthew 24:24). 

And based on those verses, Pastor Yan said, "Any who preach the Lord's coming are false." "Any who preach that God comes incarnate are false."

Could it be that because false Christs and false prophets deceive people, you will deny the Lord Jesus' return?

Could it be that because false Christs and false prophets deceive people, you will refuse to receive the returned Lord Jesus' appearance and work?

Those words are very clear. False Christs show signs and wonders to deceive people.

Almighty God expresses the truth, which false Christs cannot express nor imitate. This proves that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus...

The Lord Jesus said, "I come quickly" (Revelation 22:12). The last days are the most crucial time for receiving the Lord's coming, and when religious denomination believer Zheng Hao'en hears his wife testify that the Lord has returned, he wants to seek and investigate. However, the pastor at his church repeatedly tries to obstruct him, recites the Bible verse "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24), and says any who preach the Lord's coming are false, leaving Zheng Hao'en trapped in confusion. Through his wife's fellowship, he comes to be able to understand aspects of the truth regarding discerning the true Christ and false Christs, and finally rids himself of confusion…. Please enjoy the skit The True Cannot Be False.

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